Published on 05/18/2024
Published by amit
Loading full page using SPA
We have two approaches, The First is mapping the link directly using Ajax, as shown below
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<a href="" class="" bind="click" route_ajax="tasks" control="main" axn="page.update" document_title="Tasks"> <span>Tasks</span> </a> |
by adding axn=page.update: you can make a link to send an Ajax request to the “route_ajax” module and update the response to the page.
The second approach is using JavaScript, assuming the following HTML snippet
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<a href="" data-module="home" class="btn ajax_menu"> Home </a> |
You can write the following code to achieve a similar result as the first approach
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<script type="spa/axn" axn="core.run_script"> $('.ajax_menu').click(function(e){; e.preventDefault();{ route_ajax: $(this).data('module'), href: $(this).attr('href') }).then(function(){ spa.loader.hide(); }); }); </script> |
here is another sample in case we can’t add data-module to anchor tage
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<script axn='core.run_script' type="spa/axn"> $( ".left-side-bar-nav-links" ).on( "click", "a", function(event) {; var href = $(this).attr('href'); route_href=href.replace(spa.settings.path, ""); if(route_href.length===0) route_href='home'; event.preventDefault();{ route_module: route_href, href: href }).then(function(){ spa.loader.hide(); }); return false; }); </script> |