Published on 04/04/2018
Published by amit
List of Commonly Used Enterprise Shortcodes
Shortcode Example | Title | Description |
[modules.called-module-slug x=’passed attribute’/] | calling a module | This will execute the module in from current active module collection and passed variable ‘x’ will be avilabe using module.x in called module. |
[modules.called-module.t1 x=’passed attribute’ /] | calling a template | This will execute the template t1 from current active module collection and passed variable ‘x’ will be avilabe using template.x in called template. |
[modules.called-module template=t1 x=’passed attribute’/] | executing a template form module | This will execute the template t1 from current active module collection and passed variable ‘x’ will be avilabe using module.x in called template |
[modules.include called-module /] | Including the module | It will not just include the module, without executing it. |
[ {module.modulename} x=’passed attribute’/] | Modules with dynamic module | It runs module without template no template |
[ {module.modulename} template='{module.templatename}’ x=’passed attribute’/] | Modules with dynamic module and template | Run module with template, x will be avaiable in module context. |
[ t1 module=called-module x=’passed attribute’/] | Run template | x will be avilable in template context. |
[templates.add hello_dolly] text [/templates.add] |
adding template | You create templates using this shortcode, to access/run this template use [templates.hello_dolly /] |
[module.set a1] hello dolly[module.get y /][aw2.get request.x /] [/module.set][module.set y=hello z=hi /] |
Set module variable | Example of setting a module variable. |
[module.set_raw a2] hello dolly[module.get y /][aw2.get request.x /] [/module.set_raw] |
Set raw module variable | In case of raw, variables do not get parsed immidiately, but when they are called using one of the follwoing options [ module.a2 /] [ /] |
[template.set y=hello z=hi /] [template.set a1] content [/template.set] [template.set_raw a2] raw content [/template.set_raw] [ /] |
setting template variables | Similar to module variables, you can run a raw template variable using [ /] |
[loop.@i module.x] [aw2.get @i.key /] [aw2.get @i.item /] [aw2.get @i.odd /] [aw2.get @i.even /] [aw2.get @i.first /] [aw2.get @i.last /] [aw2.get @i.between /] [/loop.@i] |
looping data | Quick example of looping arrays/objects. You can use conditionals like [if.true i.odd]i am odd:[aw2.get i.item /][/if.true] |
[template.set_array m1 a1=hello a2=hi a3=hope /] | Set template array | It will create an array like this OutPut: array(3) [ “a1” => string(5) “hello” “a2” => string(2) “hi” “a3” => string(4) “hope” ] |
[template.dump m1 /] | Dump template variables | Helps you debug/check the value within a template variable. |
[module.set_array x a1=1 a2=2 a3=3 /] [module.set_array x2 a4=1 a5=2 a6=3 /] [module.get x merge_with=module.x2 /] |
Merges two arrays | This will merge the values of x with x2, and return teh combined array |
[math.solve main='{module.x}*{module.y}’ /] | Using Maths Operations | You can pass the equation string to solve. |
[date.create now date_format=’Y-m-d H:i:s’ set=module.dt /] | Show current date | Shows current date formated by string applied to date_format. |
[date.create main=”1st day of ” date_format=’Y-m-d H:i:s’ set=module.dt /] | Creating new dates | You can pass strings supported by strtodate function as well. |
[query.get_results] SELECT * FROM [template.get meta_table /] WHERE meta_key = ‘[template.get meta_key /]’ and meta_value = ‘[template.get meta_value /]’ [/query.get_results] |
Running custom query | You can execute custom queires and get the results. |
[query.query] delete FROM sub_lan WHERE object_id = ‘[template.get sub_lan_id /]’ [/query.query] |
Custom query | Custom queries that do not give results |
[arr.create set=module.arrcreate] [table]lapp_filter[/table] [where new column=’req_scheme_id’ value=’xyz’/] [/arr.create] |
Creating arrays | This will create an array in module.arrcreate variable, with table and where as the key. Also where will have another array as they value with key column and value. |
[arr.set module.arrset a={module.x} b={module.x0}/] | Quick Array | This will create an array module.arrset with keys a and b |
[template.set_array m3] [scheme_nbfc default=lotus /] [scheme_id default=term /] [scheme_interest_rate default=18 /] [/template.set_array] |
Using set_array to create array | This will creat a array like [template.dump m3 /] OutPut: array(5) [ “scheme_nbfc” => array(1) [ “default” => string(5) “lotus” ] “scheme_id” => array(1) [ “default” => string(4) “term” ] “scheme_interest_rate” => array(1) [ “default” => string(2) “18” ] ] |
[] hello dolly [aw2.set search.x=hero /][aw2.set_array search.a x=1 y=2 z=3 /][aw2.get search.x /][aw2.get search.dump /] [/] |
Using Do | Use this to create a variable to be used locally rather than creating a global variable, within the context of Do. This example will create a serach variable that won’t exists after closing of the tag. |
[template.get y /] [module.get x/] OR [template.y /] [module.y /] |
Getting the value of a variable | Assuming variable was set as module.x you can get the value as module.get x |
[request.get x /] | Get a request parameter | To get the value of request variable. |
[] hello [request.get x /] [/] |
Parse a string immediately | This will run/parse the string within the shortcode. |
[php.function_name p1='{module.x}’ set=’module.y’] | calling a PHP function directly | You can pass the attributes using p1, p2 etc. |