Learning Awesome Enterprise
A quick guide to point you to various resources to start learning Awesome Enterprise
How Awesome Enterprise Platform Works
To make yourself familiar with terms used in Awesome Enterprise please read the following articles
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/introduction-to-important-terms-in-awesome-enterprises/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/structure-of-an-awesome-shortcode/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/url-patterns-used-by-awesome-enterprise/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/how-request-flows-in-awesome-enterprise-framework/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/understanding-awesome-core/
After reading these articles, please check the following youtube video
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRHw25-zdfw&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=1&t=2s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2n_cCYKCcw&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=2&t=29s
These two videos and 5 articles will help you get a basic understanding of how the Awesome Enterprise works.
How “Apps” works in the Awesome Enterprise Platform
Reading the following articles and watching the videos will help you understand the “Awesome Apps”, how to create them, and use them to get the most out of Awesome Enterprise.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CqqzJ5gvVc&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=5
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/creating-enterprise-app/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/understanding-app-config-collection/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/how-to-enable-gutenberg-block-in-awesome-app-pages/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXO6stcx7Go&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=6&t=154s
How “Services” works in the Awesome Enterprise
Watch the following videos to understand how to register and use services in the Awesome Enterprise platform. Services play important role in how we build using the Awesome Enterprise.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y20HLuRYcYU&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=23
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx0hbRXav4Q&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=24
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/services/
Awesome Enterprise Shortcode Language
Above three sections covered the Awesome Enterprise at the platform level, now let’s see how to actually write our code in the awesome enterprise.
An important point to remember is that the code samples for each and every activity is available in the “Samples” app within your website where the awesome enterprise is set up. In case that is not available simply register a new Samples app and import the Samples-App XML file, to get all the examples.
Understanding the “module” and “Templates”
Before we start learning the language, we need to learn where and how to write them. So check the videos below to understand them.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45UvafLF7bM&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=4
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXO6stcx7Go&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=6
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx0hbRXav4Q&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=24
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLa2GBXpLB0&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=15
Getting & Setting data and understanding the scope of variables and the Environment
Watch the following videos to understand how to set variables, get data from variables, how to access GET, POST & REQUEST data in Awesome, QS.0 variables, and the scope of variables within awesome enterprise code.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjc-DsCQCH8&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=7
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9InwgiK46E&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=9
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/samples-for-variable-scope-template-module-environment/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/sample-for-url-and-request-parameters/
Go to the samples app and open the following modules to see the working code samples, you can run them by going to <siteurl>/samples/<module-name>
- get-set-example
- variable-scope-samples
Using various Data Types in Awesome Enterprise
Learn how to handle the data types in Awesome Enterprise, in an environment where everything is like strings by default
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCh0dyNw6hY&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=10
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tjb5ao8KjQ&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=11
Also, read these articles as well
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/explicitly-create-variables-with-specific-datatypes-in-awesome/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/explicitly-setting-datatypes-in-awesome/
Check code sample in the module datatypes-samples within the samples app.
Working with Arrays
We use arrays a lot in our framework, so learning to create them and use them is critical for understanding the language, check the videos below to learn all the ways we can create arrays
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWA4m-l2FI4&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=12
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/sample-for-array-creation/
you can check the code sample in module “arrays” within the samples app.
Working with loops
To learn about the equivalent of “Foreach”, and “While” in awesome check out the videos and articles mentioned below
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIcGP3v9fKw&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=13
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2l0r-nFn2I&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=14
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/loops-samples-for-loop-loop-on-db-results-variable/
You can check the code example in the ‘loops-sample‘ module within the Samples app.
Working with if, conditionals, and modifiers
Using “If” is integral to any sort of programming, and to learn how we write “If” in awesome enterprise check the articles and videos mentioned below.
If Shortcodes
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD752DbtQTk&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=16
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syjkvin7ZFY&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=17
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/quick-list-of-conditionals/
c.* Conditionals
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8f5qfjZqyk&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=18
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jWiz9WxAss&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=19
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3K9gI6CyK8&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=20
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/samples-for-using-conditionals-c-in-shortcodes/
m.* Modifiers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1AGV6flAKo&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=21
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/samples-of-using-m-modifiers-in-shortcodes/
Working code examples can be found in the following modules in the Samples app
- if-checks
- if-checks-datatype
- condition-checks
- modifier-samples
Using o.* Output Handlers
We have support to handle how the output of a shortcode will be shown or handled by the system, check the video below to learn it
You can check the code samples in the “output-checks” module in the Samples app.
Working with blocks – content, do and code
We have the concept of blocks to handle certain special scenarios in our code, they are handled by content.*, do.* and code.* check out the following code examples in the Samples app.
- do-checks
- content-checks
Writing Queries in Awesome Enterprise
Learn how we write queries to interact with databases in Awesome Enterprise
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=–cY9wbEZsY&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=33
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK1VCgRGeVU&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=34
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyr9nEr8tpA&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=35
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/post-post-types-and-get-set-methodstaxonomy-taxonomy-term-taxonomy-term-meta/
you can check the code examples in the following modules in the Samples app
- mysqli-samples
- mysqli-2-samples
- post-builder
Working with Forms
The following video will show you how to create forms in Awesome Enterprise and how to handle the form submissions.
you can also check the code snippet in the “forms-sample” module in the Samples app.
Using SPA.js in Awesome
SPA.js is written as the jQuery library that we use to manage and run JavaScript code in Awesome Enterprise, check these videos and articles to learn about it.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wqi3ErJKnE&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=28
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx6-sKZG14Y&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=27
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/spa-ajax/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/button-with-axnroute-run/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/how-to-change-the-default-loader-of-spa-js/
Creating and Using Session Tickets
In Awesome Enterprise, we use session tickets a lot, to learn how to use them effectively watch the video mentioned below and check the articles to see a few usages
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_sbx4cirhc&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=26
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/generate-ticket-and-fire-ajax/
- https://awxdocs.com/tutorials/ticket-handler/
Creating Search and Filter Screens
Check the videos mentioned below to learn how to use search2 service to quickly create a search and filter screen.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EltMbRoJBgU&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=36
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlnUQln5EoQ&list=PLdL2ulPMb51eqn5_iIh3ZvZbCQQB3dImA&index=37
Finally, check the list of commonly used shortcodes.