Published on 10/18/2021
Published by Pratik Takle
How to solve - react-native-firebase-push-notifications-compileReleaseJavaWithJavac-error
- When you encounter with this error stated as “react-native-firebase-push-notifications-compileReleaseJavaWithJavac-error”.
- Do following steps to solve it.
- if NPM
- go in console and execute command as
npm install --save-dev jetifier
- and after successful installation, fire
npx jetify
- go in console and execute command as
- If Yarn,
- go in console and execute command as
yarn add jetifier
- and after successful installation, fire
yarn jetitfier
- check you androidX references are getting corrected or not
- go in console and execute command as
- After jetifier installation, execute
yarn clean
and compile your app further,