create private key using existing app signing key from Java KeyStore

  • While uploading the app bundle to production, it is essential that the app bundle must be signed with app signing.
  • to perform this step and generate a private key using the existing app signing key from Java KeyStore, follow the following instruction.
    • download the Java PEPK tool.
    • to download PEPK too, go to your
    • select the project
      • go to App Integrity -> App signing section
      • there you will find an option as “Use existing app signing key from Java KeyStore”
      • click on that and download it.
    • now, move to the folder where you downloaded the PEPK tool.
    • open the terminal and execute the following command.
    • after this, you will find your private_key.pem at your PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE.
    • you need to take this file and upload it to the Upload private key option.
Updated on May 11, 2023